Research Intern Contract Document(Draft) . v0.0.1/21-11-2022
Date : DD / MM / YYYY Ref : WO-ABC-DD-MM-YYYY/v0.0.2
To , Ms. XYZ, Location, Country
From, Mr. Sachin Shetty, S Labs Solutions, Kalaghatagi,
India Sub : Work order for ‘Bhoomi’ - Autonomous Habitat for Mars
Dear Ms. XYZ,
After our discussion and meeting with you , we found your experience and skills to be relevant and suitable to take on developing a functional prototype for the ‘Bhoomi’ project . The work you will be carrying out from 27th November 2022 is elaborated in the attached document. Total remuneration for the project is Rs. 30,000 (Rupees Thirty thousand only ) paid over 3 installments. The project shall be reviewed every Friday working on Weekly sprints. The duration of the work order is limited to 3 months and you are expected to work 10 hours per week on the project.
Best Regards, Sachin Shetty Engineer S Labs Solutions
Name : XYZ Location : Date : Signature