Swarm Rotor Wash

Maintenance Swarm Drones which clean the dust of Solar Array Panels in remote locations autonomously.

The rotor wash of the drone’s propeller would be directed at the panels to blow away the minute dirt accumulated throughout the day.

Using Vision Position System(VPS) the grids would be assigned to individual drones based on its health parameters. Using 2/3 wide angle camera lens, 360 deg view would be constantly monitored for SLAM.

Autonomous drones would be wirelessly charged during excess peak output to conserve energy for critical systems.

The intended deployment would be initial Mars Landing, where Autonomous systems build a minimum viable habitation facility.

The algorithm can be customised to replace the fuel based hand held leaf blower locally.

We demonstrate the working of the Autonomous system and also the fail safe mechanism required for uninterrupted power generation


Had this idea sometime back to clean the fans at home, Every 6 months had to clean all fans at home .

Yesterday when the drone flew bit high in my room , Dust from top shelf fell down.

An idea to make a project and research paper for First semester Informatik Master’s at Bonn .